Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant (The Story of Babar), Maquette
Gift of Laurent, Mathieu, and Thierry de Brunhoff, and purchased with the assistance of The Florence Gould Foundation and the Acquisitions Fund, Fellows Endowment Fund, Gordon N. Ray Fund, and the Heineman Fund, 2004
The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant / told by Cecile and Jean de Brunhoff / our place [or Chessy?]
Histoire de Babar le petit Eléphant / raconté par Cécile et Jean de Brunhoff / chez nous [or Chessy?]
Jean de Brunhoff / Histoire de Babar le petit Eléphant / Editions du Jardin des Modes / Groupe des Publications Condé Nast / 44 rue St Florentin / Paris
Jean de Brunhoff / The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant / Jardin des Modes Editions / Condé Nast Publishing Group / 44 St Florentin Street / Paris