"An Orphan’s Lament", p. 18

Anne Brontë

Collection of poems : autograph manuscript signed : [Haworth]

1838 Jan. 24-1841 Aug. 19

The Henry Houston Bonnell Brontë Collection. Bequest of Helen Safford Bonnell, 1969

MA 2696.5

“The Bluebell” (pp. 15–18)

Composed 22 August 1840, when Brontë was twenty. First published in Poems (1902), pp. 198–200. Poem 10 in Chitham (1979).

“An Orphan’s Lament” (pp. 18–21)

Composed on New Year’s Day 1841, when Brontë was about to turn twenty-one. First published in Poems (1902), pp. 201–203. Poem 15 in Chitham (1979).


I had not then to spend my days mid mid icy hearts mid heartless crowds
To spend a thank[l]ess life
In seaking after others’ weal
With anxious toil and strife

“Sad wanderer weep those blissful times
That never may return!”
The lovely floweret seemed to say
And thus it made me mourn.

44 lines Anne Brontë August 22nd 1840


      An Orphan[’]s Lament

She’s gone – and twice the summer sun
Has gilt Regina’s towers,
And melted wild Angora’s snows,
And warmed Exina’s bowers,

The flowerets twice on hill and dale,
Have bloomed and died away,
And twice the rustling forest leaves
Have fallen to decay,

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"An Orphan’s Lament", p. 19

Anne Brontë

Collection of poems : autograph manuscript signed : [Haworth]

1838 Jan. 24-1841 Aug. 19

The Henry Houston Bonnell Brontë Collection. Bequest of Helen Safford Bonnell, 1969

MA 2696.5

“An Orphan’s Lament” (pp. 18–21)

Composed on New Year’s Day 1841, when Brontë was about to turn twenty-one. First published in Poems (1902), pp. 201–203. Poem 15 in Chitham (1979).


And thrice stern winter’s icy hand
Has checked the river[’]s flow,
And three times o’er the mountains thrown
His spotless robe of snow.

Two Summers Springs and Autumns sad
Three Winters cold and gray –
And is it then so long ago,
That wild November day!

They say such tears as children weep,
Will soon be dried away,
That childish grief however strong
Is only for a day.

And parted friends how dear soe’er
Will soon forgotten be;
It may be so with other hearts
It is not thus with me.

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"An Orphan’s Lament", p. 20

Anne Brontë

Collection of poems : autograph manuscript signed : [Haworth]

1838 Jan. 24-1841 Aug. 19

The Henry Houston Bonnell Brontë Collection. Bequest of Helen Safford Bonnell, 1969

MA 2696.5

“An Orphan’s Lament” (pp. 18–21)

Composed on New Year’s Day 1841, when Brontë was about to turn twenty-one. First published in Poems (1902), pp. 201–203. Poem 15 in Chitham (1979).


My Mother thou wilt weep no more
For thou art gone above
But can I ever cease to mourn
Thy fond* and fervent love?

While that was mine the world to me
Was sunshine bright and fair
No feeling rose within in my heart
But thou couldst read it there

And thou wouldst couldst feel for all my joys
And all my childish cares
And never weary of my play
Or scorn my foolish fears

Beneath thy sweet maternal smile
All pain and sorrow fled
And even the very tears were sweet
Upon [?] thy bosome shed

*Note: Chitham (1979) transcribes the starred word as “good,” but the manuscript reads “fond.”

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