Ms. missal; written and illuminated in Florence, Italy, or in Avignon, France, during the late 1320s.
A colophon on fol. 167v states that this is the seventh and final volume of a missal that contains the Ordinary of the Mass and the main prayers of the missal for the Votive Mass and that there are 19 quinterns and 8 leaves: Septimu(m) volum(en) i(n) missali q(u)o e(st) testam(en)tu(m) misse, & ora(tion)es (m)a(io)res i(n) missali s(cundu)m misse votive, & s(un)t q(ui)nt(er)ni xix, & viii carte.
It has been suggested that this manuscript is one of a codicologically homogenous group created for Cardinal Jacopo Stefaneschi that were copied by the same scribe and illuminated by the same artist--Cf. Dix siècles d'enluminure italianne (VIe-XVIe siècles).
Musical notation: 4-line staves in red ink with square notes throughout.
Decoration: 4 historiated initials, 2 historiated borders.
Artist: Master of the St. George Codex.