Ms. book of hours for the use of Rome; written and illuminated in Tours, France, ca. 1500.
The calendar is Franciscan, with some Parisian elements.
Decoration: 14 large and 29 half-page miniatures, and 12 calendar illustrations.
Artist: Jean Poyer (formerly Poyet); the miniatures previously were attributed to Jean Bourdichon.
A single leaf showing the Virgin and Child (Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, R.F. 3890) and containing the end of the Stabat Mater on the verso once belonged to Ms H.8.
The unlikely supposition that Ms H.8 was owned by Henry VIII is due to a note written by George Wade (1673-1748) (on fol. 200, the last blank leaf) in which he stated that he acquired the manuscript from the estate of Charles Benoit Desmanet and that according to tradition it was a gift from Emperor Charles V to Henry VIII.
Revised: 2015