Frank Wheeler, letter to J. Pierpont Morgan, 12 May 1912, p. 1. ARC 1310. Archives of the Morgan Library & Museum.
p. 1
Aus 22/5/12
Call one morn[in]g 10:30
6 copies Prayer Book Dictionary to Miss Greene
May 21st 1912
J.P. Morgan Esqr
My dear Sir,
I see by “the Times” that you have arrived
in England.
Last month I sent Miss Greene an
advance copy of a printed (and priced)
list of Books and Manuscripts of
superlative importance which I had
been lucky enough to purchase privately.
Everyone was a picked copy and had
passed through my hands at the
commencement of “the eighties” before
prices had commenced to soar upwards.
Now, after 30 years, I’ve re-purchased
Miss Greene has made her selection—
inter alia, a superb letter of Keats about