Fasciculus temporum
At top of miniature, wall of city or castle above other buildings; below, man fishing, another pulling boat to shore. On road winding through landscape, army of foot soldiers carrying shields behind man wearing hat, playing drum next to cannon on wheels; soldier inscribed LO S(IGNOR) DUCA DE UENOSA, wearing plumed helmet, raising rod with right hand astride caparisoned horse following group of soldiers, six carrying bannered spears, two astride horses, holding lances, one with heraldic banner; group of men, wearing hats, one carrying banner, some with shields, another with spear next to camp of nine tents, each surmounted by banner, and following cannon with wheels
Soldier inscribed LO S(IGNOR) CONTE DE TURZO, wearing hat, decorated breastplate and spurs, holding lance with right hand, astride caparisoned horse raising right front hoof above group of soldiers with spears and shields; soldier holding halberd next to canon on wheels; soldier carrying bannered spear, three soldiers astride bridled horses, carrying bannered lances and small figure, holding bannered lance, astride bridled horse next to inscription LO S(IGNOR) CONTE DE CONZA, all behind group of men, possibly soldiers, carrying bannered spears, heraldic banner, sword and halberd following man gesturing toward three cannons on wheels.
Small figure wearing hat, holding crossbow, sword at waist, astride back-turned horse, next to inscription LO S(IGNOR) CONTE DE ARENA; at bottom left corner, tall figure, crowned (?), wearing armor, holding with right hand spear and shield next to three soldiers astride horses, holding lances, one wearing spurs.
In lower margin, in later hand, "Battle of Otranto against the Turks, 1481".