[Karṇātī Rāgiṇī, from a Rāgamālā series].
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.
[Kṛṣṇa steals the clothes of the gopis]
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.
[A romantic situation].
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.
[Deśākha Rāgiṇī, from a Rāgamālā series].
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.
[Bhairava Rāga, from a Rāgamālā series].
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.
[A neglected beloved in the summer].
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.
[An ascetic and a dog].
Gift; Paul F. Walter; 1985.