Front cover

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Italian School

Album of Costume Studies

mid to late 16th century
Watercolor and gouache, with pen and ink, some with gold or silver paint, on paper
drawings: 99 x 145 mm; mounted on album leaves measuring: 172 x 225 mm

Purchased by Pierpont Morgan by 1910

PML 5675

Inside front cover–front blank 1, recto

Italian School

Album of Costume Studies

mid to late 16th century
Watercolor and gouache, with pen and ink, some with gold or silver paint, on paper
drawings: 99 x 145 mm; mounted on album leaves measuring: 172 x 225 mm

Purchased by Pierpont Morgan by 1910

PML 5675

Front blank 3–inserted engraving, recto

Italian School

Album of Costume Studies

mid to late 16th century
Watercolor and gouache, with pen and ink, some with gold or silver paint, on paper
drawings: 99 x 145 mm; mounted on album leaves measuring: 172 x 225 mm

Purchased by Pierpont Morgan by 1910

PML 5675