Watermark: none.
Formerly attributed to Taddeo Zuccari (or Zuccaro), Sant'Angelo in Vado 1529-1566 Rome.
Inscribed on verso, at lower right, in graphite, by Scholz(?), Girolamo da Carpi / (illegible).
Both drawings were donated by Janos Scholz to the Morgan Library & Museum in 1988. According to Scholz's notes, they were once attributed to Baldassare Peruzzi, before being published as by Girolamo da Carpi. Scholz further recorded that Konrad Oberhuber believed them to be by Taddeo Zuccari (or Zuccaro).
Zuccaro, Taddeo, 1529-1566, Formerly attributed to.
Peruzzi, Baldassarre, 1481-1536, Formerly attributed to.
Carpi, Girolamo da, 1501-1556, Formerly attributed to.
Savoy, Aosta, Turin, Dukes of, former owner.
Scholz, János, former owner.
Alfred Neumeyer and Janos Scholz, Drawings from Bologna 1520-1800, exh. cat., Mills College Art Gallery, Oakland; Los Angeles County Museum; Portland Museum of Art; H.M. DeYoung Museum, San Francisco; Santa Barbara Museum of Art; and Seattle Museum of Art, 1957, no. 13, repr. (as Girolamo da Carpi).
Rhoda Eitel-Porter, Disegni per Orvieto: dell' "Illustre concittadino Cesare Nebbia", Orvieto, 2004, pp.122-125, no. 24, repr. (as Nebbia).
Rhoda Eitel-Porter, Der Zeichner und Maler Cesare Nebbia 1536-1614, Munich, 2009, pp. 44, 190, 231, fig. 25b.