Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf m4v: Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme furent achevees le .xxviii. iour de Juing Lan mil cinq cens. pour Simo[n] vostre Libraire: demoura[n]t a Paris en la rue neuue nostre dame a lenseigne sainct Jehan levangeliste.
Printed in Pigouchet's types 1:98G, 2:64G, and 3:80G. Pigouchet's printer's mark, leaf a1r.
Signatures: a-l⁸ m⁴: 92 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery octavo.
Almanac for years 1497-1520, leaf a1v.
Signed r on first leaf of each quire for Roman use.
Woodcuts and metalcuts.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 14.4 x 9.4 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: d4.5.
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, alternating red and blue intitials. Annotations: No notations in text.