MS M.1162 (fol. 71v)

Book of Hours of Guillaume Lambert, Rome use, in Latin

Written by Guillaume Lambert and illuminated for him by the Master of Guillaume Lambert; 192 leaves

France, Lyons
126 x 82 mm

Melvin R. Seiden Collection, 2007

MS M.1162 (fol. 71v)
Item description: 

An inscription in this manuscript indicates that Guillaume Lambert wrote it in 1484 in Lyons at his house pres le portal (near the portal—perhaps an entrance to the church of Notre-Dame de Confort, an area favored by the book trade). Since Lambert was not an illuminator, he sought local artists to paint the miniatures. The anonymous artist responsible for the Adoration of the Magi shown here was the best illuminator active in Lyons at the time. In 1982 John Plummer, Curator Emeritus at the Morgan, named him the Master of Guillaume Lambert after this manuscript.